Sunday, September 12, 2010

A Thank You Note

We see the good-looking gentlemen, the fine ladies, and we notice that these pleasant faces in this crowd are the same people who we spent our Christmases with, went to grade school and High School and College with, we went to work with, got blind-drunk with, gone in trouble with, got old with, attended our wedding, our friend's weddings, baby-showers, bachelor parties, send-offs, and like today - welcoming little ones into the Christian world. We've practically gone through all the milestones together - as family, as friends, and that just makes life more meaningful.

Thank you for gracing our lives in yet another milestone, and hopefully equally, thank you for letting us grace yours.

And we want to thank our Parents, most of all, as they laid the foundations of who we are just as we are doing now for our I. Now that we are parents ourselves, we strive to be like you. To be able to teach them a kind thing or two.

We want to pass on, in particular, what Jesus embodied in his Teachings and his Philosophy – to seek the Truth. It must be the same Truth that shines on us now.

With having our I., we have been blessed. We may not have been as blessed with having greener pastures but we certainly feel that with our bundle of joy, that grass is also green on our side. All through life, we'll work on having him inherit the kindness we found in the world, which is really worth more than anything.

I think most of us saw Into the Wild you know what they say: the only real happiness is happiness that is shared. We thank you for sharing this happiness with us, for keeping this happiness real and more importantly - passing this on to our little ones.

Let's keep our hearts warm. Love all around and let's love each other some more.

J. & D.

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