Sunday, March 12, 2023

Fleurs and Dust and All We Are


Act I. I couldn't count exactly, but roughly around 40 young ballet dancers in flowery tutus open with Spring. A re composition of  Vivaldi. The song that's on the top of my playlist when I'm Zwifting. We talked about it after the show. "Yes, I hear it when I'm in the toilet and you're Zwifting in the other room." Kuya says, in his amusing, budding sense of humor. "It makes me feel like royalty." V. says, dreamily and as if her dreams were real. Here we are, four of us, on the 5th row of the orchestra section of St. Cecilia's Hall in St. Scholastica's. Flesh and blood performance instead of watching something in another 2D screen as we mostly did during the pandemic. It's the first time we stepped inside a theater again since, and even if the performers were mostly grade school and high school students, the transcending effect of art and the efficacy of that magic courses through me and my eyes well up. 

It must've been what the teacher mentioned. Be kind and be generous in your applause, she tells the audience of parents and classmates, because the performers did most of the practice and lessons online. In her opening speech, Teacher A. revealed that she is battling cancer. She found out around Christmas and she was wearing a scarf on her head. The dancers dance and the show goes on they've all already won. 

During the curtain call, they played one of the songs they performed with, String Quartet No. 3, Mishima. Another song I've been Zwifting to. I'm going to Zwift to it again and I'm going to have to remember this. The day when the dancers won. 

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