Saturday, January 14, 2017

Who Have I Become Now?

After many years. I still say, the world crumbles beneath our feet. It's probably the worst year in politics. Oh, poor human race. It's another hottest recorded year of a doomed planet. While Satan's practically poking us with pitch forks, we put on the rose colored glasses and turn to the bright side. 2016 was:

the year I quit my job of 10.5 years and found a new one
the year I supported D. (best I can) in the final two trimesters of pregnancy
the year V. was born
the year I had the most money (and still kept most of it)
the drive-my-kid-to-school-everyday year.
the coffee shop, books, music and TV series year

After many new years, I finally stopped asking, who am I? Just who have I become now?

A once-in-a-while-runner, online worker, husband and father, who almost never wears long pants and leather shoes. A man who has streaks of occasional brilliance.

For a long time now, I've cleansed myself of perceptions that I am some great man. People never really grow up. We never discover who we truly are.  But I still want the world to change. Every year, I feel more compelled to uphold what is right.

We hit our walls, the earth crumbling beneath our feet, and we keep running.

We and our silly ways. 

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