Reading several books at a time is similar to channel surfing, the now-defunct pastime of 90s kids who had cable TV. My currently-reading list includes Nassim Nicholas Taleb's Black Swan, George RR Martin's Fire and Blood, The Daily Stoic, while I finished two short books in between - Baek Sehee's I Want to Die But I Want to Eat Tteokbokki, and Haruki Murakami's The T-Shirts I Love.
I also switch between different mediums and devices. I read some on a paper book, most of it on an ebook, on an ebook with the audio companion and even on a smartphone. Murakami's The T-Shirts I love was perfect on a smartphone. I wanted to see the color of the shirts, and appreciate the designs more. And this book is something you can finish overnight, so the eye strain should be minimal.
Murakami buys a shirt for two dollars and ends up with a short story.
Of all my T-shirts, which one do I treasure most? That would have to be the Tony Takitani shirt. I ran across this T-shirt in a thrift shop in Maui and bought it for about a dollar. I asked myself, “What kind of person could Tony Takitani be?” and let my imagination take over, and I actually ended up writing a short story with him as the protagonist, which later was made into a film. And the T-shirt was just one dollar, if you can believe it! I’ve made a lot of investments in my life, but this was, hands down, the absolute best.
I had a light bulb moment. I should do my own T-shirt designs. In my mind, I formed the Imaginary Anti-Social Run/Cycle Club. The Club's tagline would have been We Run/Cycle Alone/Together. We'd have team singlets and jerseys creatively inscribed with adages such as:
I would have loved a Talking Heads shirt too.
I was just listening to some New Wave. Now playing The Cure's Pictures of You.
When I'm reading-surfing, since it's the holidays, I munch on the leftovers. I ordered a case of local craft lager online, slowly chugging away each bottle when the family's asleep. My own kind of low-brow revelry. I barely have anything, yet I have everything I desire. Now, that's rich isn't it?