Wednesday, October 28, 2020
Riding out, Bigtime
Saturday, October 3, 2020
On the treadmill, the other day, I sang along, I don't want to come back down from this cloud. It's taken me all this time to find out what I mean.
I may have already said enough and writing wouldn't rid me of this anxiousness. I thought process-mapping this anxiousness and stepping away from myself would help, but it only temporarily addresses the gaps and failure points. I could never get to the root causes, why the human mind wired this way.
Staying alive amidst this pandemic. Barely having any trouble with an all-too-familiar isolation because I'm with a loving family that has brought me unspeakable joy. And while it wasn't a lot, there's literature, literature turned into series, series, treadmill runs, Philosophy podcasts, Japanese lessons, distance learning, dark roasted Sagada coffee, frothed milk, dark roasted beer, citrusy craft beers, music, never-ending conversations with my D. and I. and V.
I may have already said enough and writing wouldn't rid me of this anxiousness. So I write, because I will never be rid of the anxiousness. But it's not just the devil that's in the detail. Life, at best, is to live for these little stories.
It's V. telling us, "when there's no more virus, we'll go to the coffeeshop." She often says our house is like a coffeeshop. She strums her bright yellow ukulele. She sings You are my Sunshine.
And don't worry if you don't write it all. You've lived. Pretty soon you'll climb up those anxious steps again. But now. Stay in the clouds. Oh it's so puffy. There there.