The kids haven't been out in 3 months. It doesn't even seem strange anymore that they will stay at home for a year, studying online, no outdoors, inevitably increasing their screen time. But more importantly, we're lucky there's screens to look at, there's distance learning, there's even space to live, that we're surviving without much difficulty compared to the terrible plight of so many people.
We quietly hold on to some significance, silently cherishing our little joys, with a deepening empathy for those who couldn't.
When I run on the machine, I zone out to a memory, fiercely remembering how feet lands on the pavement instead of this belt. Late evenings or early mornings outside, traces of clouds, magnificent sunsets, that hot air or mild chill blowing on my face, even seeing other runners. It's going to be a while before we race again.
The human race has failed itself many times, but it also kept writing so many good books and telling good stories. Even the most fundamental questions of Philosophy are left unanswered, there are so many other stories that render life worth living. I am thankful for the time to read, even if work stays full time.
Then it turns into TV. What fun, watching this, having it all over again with D.
After work. A ひきこもり Hikikomori's 飲み会 Nomikai.
By the end of May, they're going to lift the world's longest corona virus lock down (probably also the stupidest, as we didn't do enough mass testing, without any solid plan, and billions of borrowed that made no significant impact).
We're going to stay inside a little bit more, missing the world.