Monday, February 10, 2020

The New Malady

Streaming, social media, online shopping. Boredom is no longer the malady of the 21st century. Perhaps it was just my procrastination. Perhaps it was the amassing depression last January as Taal erupted, and towards February the Corona virus broke out.  Local and world events that claim victims. And there's always the verbal diarrhea that shits out of our President's mouth, digested by his followers as if it was their communion. There's always the stress of living in a dense city officially with the second heaviest traffic in the world.

When you feel so mad, and want to roar, take a deep breath and count to four. 

Sunday, February 9, 2020

Catching-up On What Would Have Been Forgotten

With indecision, the minutes turns to hours and days. We lose so many things. I didn't write because of being overly conscious, of saying that's not creative or insightful enough. Nothing would have been worth writing. It would have been worth the time to look back on things (in this case, mostly what made this life worth living) or that once in a while I was even insightful or that I was capable of critical thought.

So here's a pair of real, ordinary things that are worth writing.

I could never claim to understand women, but mostly they are right. I can't tell if Barbies are good for you, V., but we did talk about women empowerment and diversity. You flagged me for cultural appropriation when I called her "Asian Barbie." That's not her name, you said. "That's racist, Dad." Kuya followed up. I can't help but wonder what you'd call me out for when you're no longer just 3 and 9, respectively. 

It takes so little to feel like a king. A dip in a saltwater poor with your family, a working staycation, a drink in between, a chess game in gold versus silver with salted caramel ice cream and coffee.