Friday, June 15, 2018

Raise High

When you're happy and you know it, you become vulnerable. Clap you your hands. The monsoon rains are here and the roof gutters have overflown. They're angrily pounding against our polycarbonate sheets, and it makes me crack up inside. The floor tiles are loose. I felt as if this castle of meanings is under attack. D. patiently sweeps up, sanitizes and I help after work, and patch things up with industry-grade sealants. I wish I could do more, for her.

I heard something today, just when the rains stopped going crazy. Love is a river. Swim to the end. 

It's a quiet night. And because I've been busy with business and busier with being a happy husband and father in this rainy season, I haven't been running much lately. In one of the classes today, I was told that "we get less lonely if we move our thighs more." Strange things the students tell me in seemingly perfect timing. Epiphanies appear like rainbows when the rain clears.

The carpenters are coming to fix the roof. Raise your dreams.