We've heard it positioned differently in more elaborate philosophies. Coming out of a book about cycling, this is even more beautiful. "The world isn't logical, it's a song."
I look at how the most important things in my world work right now. We are raising a little one. We look at serveral methodical ways of tracking his progress. Many of them are precise, and it drives away the precariousness of not knowing. We feel better about knowing how many words he should be able to say at age 2o months.
There is only so much in knowing. So we listen to this song. Our song now forms its own sentences: "Carry me, daddy" and "Can I dede, mummy?" It hums on to so many things that are bizarre, imprecise and abstract. At the same time, it starts building on so much grace and responds to your love and understanding. He hold your hand while walking, he leands on your shoulder while he reads or watches videos on an iPhone. He can now put his own choice of DVDs in the tray. He's figured out that iPhone from the slide to unlock a few months back, to playing with his own apps. He wouldn't take off his Spiderman costume. The song makes us gush.
He is moving on to Two now. Terrible Two, they call it. We couldn't be more excited. We're about to re-title this song. Terrible or not, I think it's going to be a Terrific Two.
Happy Second Birthday, I. Love from Mum and Dad.