Saturday, June 18, 2011

I am One, One I am: Thanks and Wishes.

Thank you to the small people and the big people who brought themselves to us today and shared our happiness in celebrating little Mighty Mighty's milestone.

Thank you to the universe for drawing us to this vortex of optimism. Thank you for spinning us in such a happy twirl during the past 365 days. Thank you for giving us the strength to spend our days with just short hours of sleep, and revealing how wonderful it is to be awake and reawakened.

Thank you for the love all around from our parents, our brothers, sisters, relatives, friends, the wocket in our pocket, the nink in the sink, the zlock behind the clock, the geeling in the ceiling , the jertain in the curtain, as well as the bellar, gellar, nellar, and zellar in the cellar!

Mommy covered everything, but since being one only comes once in a lifetime, I have another wish or two. Forgive me because I'm about to get preachy. These things come with the package of being a Daddy. See, the world is an awesome, awesome place, and among the many, many sounds he'll hear, thing's he'll see, and knowledge he will again, we wish he finds humility. We wish that he realizes early on, that you are wisest when you are humblest.

With too many people who'd grown with unremitting mediocrity, we wish that you spell the difference between dull conformity and true righteousness. As your Dr. Seuss says, "Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It's not." So Speak for the Trees, and consider a person a person no matter how small.

And yes, we wish that you'd grow up as a gentleman. Honor your word: say what you mean, mean what you say, say it politely, live through your afflictions as graciously as you celebrate your wins, help the physically challenged up the stairs open doors for the ladies, don't kiss and tell, and don't go breaking girls' hearts.

Lastly, just don't watch too much TV. And that is that.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Ten Times To I.

To love, to be loved

To pray, pray, pray

To live curious and discover that the world is as awesome as it can be

To care an awful lot for our planet

To seek and pursue what is meaningful and true

To respect small people, to respect big people

To think left, to think right, to think low and to think high

To stay in the healthy shape you are in

To be the youest, you!

To say please, to say thank you!

Drafted this as D.'s "thank you" and "wish" speech during I.'s Dr. Seuss themed first birthday party. Certain lines were borrowed from Arundathi Roy (first line) NatGeo and Discovery Channel slogans (third line) and a lot of paraphrasing from various Dr. Seuss books.