“You are my spacious and yellow summer in a golden church”
I was sleepless despite the conducive-for-sleep weather. The pouring rain reminds me of how we are both wandering and aimless, slanting itself as the wind blows, but happy, just happy in falling for each other.
7st 4, alcohol units: 0, cigarettes smoked in secret: 7, calories: 10,257 (feels like), nice boyfriends: 1 (continuing good work)…
06:31:11 pm 06-08-04
I’m hiccupping from intoxication and my every breath is dedicated to loving you. Good night gorgeous.
01:07:01 an
It has been a pleasure spending every single minute of the day with you. You make my aimless-wandering-lifestyle rather meaningful.
Thank you for continuously making me feel special. I’ve been deeply touched. I hope I did
fine though. Thanks for the cake, the food, the warm welcome of your family, the ride home, and the wonderful gift of you.
01:30:52 pm
I shall not let the waves of fate be cold and indifferent as to toss us unmercifully. Unlike that girl from Haruki’s story, I won’t let you, my 100% perfect boy, pass me by. I shall cherish you and the love we have forever. Goodnight my 100% perfect other.
11:25:08 pm
10st (feeling v. heavy today),
Calories: (innumerable, blame to Selecta for coming up with irresistible choco peanut)
cigarettes -4
alcohol units – 0
phone calls from you – 6 (haha! I’m such a goddess!)
Flashbacks of you – 14
I miss you the way the waves miss the shore.
07:46:56 am
I fell asleep. I wanted to tell you to take care on the way to work. The weather’s terrible. Unrivalled love to you from your overly jealous but charming lover.
My only regret in getting this dignified-day-job if ever, will be the absence of our little talks in the mornings that send you to sleep in the afternoons when you’ve had enough sleep already or at night when you’re rushing to the shower and I suddenly go mental wondering where you are or what you’re doing. Otherwise, this job is as perfect as you are to me. I miss you big time.
07:02:48 pm
Thanks again for a lovely weekend. I’m loving you more than I’ve ever imagine I’m capable of. Don’t ever get tired of coming home to me. Have a great Sunday.
07:58:34 am